Bamboo Fishbowl

Friday, June 23, 2006

Good To Know...

Here is a bit of information on the knowledge that people seem to think I possess vs what I really know:

Dinosaurs: They are extinct possibly due to a meteorite impacting the earth and their bone were lithified.
Egypt and the Pyramids: Never been but the ones who built them are dead.
Ancient Romans & Greeks & all their ruins: Never been but they have great food!
The Mayans: The are all dead
The Incas: They are all dead
The Aztecs : They are all dead

And finally, I also feel the need to tell you that a perfectly round rock is nothing but a perfectly round rockā€¦..

Kimdianna Jones


Blogger Corinne Simpson said...

I was out for lunch with my friend Lu yesterday and I don't know how but the subject of you being an archaeologist came up. I said "It's funny how many people automatically assume she knows all there is to know about dinosaurs" and Lu said "Um, aren't paleantologists the dinosaur experts?".

How come Kiwis can figure it out, Kimdianna, but everybody else is still mystified? By the way, there's a Kimdianna-type job held by a character in a modern movie, I realized while talking to Lu. And she's a woman! Have you seen "The Royal Tenenbaums"? Angelica Huston's character, Etheline Tenenbaum, is a sort of modern archaeologist. In the film they show her on an urban excavation site in the middle of New York City where they're cataloging modern finds (and not a single dinosaur bone among them). Thought you'd find that cool.

11:25 p.m.  

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