Bamboo Fishbowl

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wilkes Land Crater: It Scare The Crap Out Of Me

You know what scares the crap out of me? Massive meteorites hurtling towards earth at light speed just seconds away from annihilating all life on earth except cockroaches and sharks...

Well, a new crater has been found this year by scientist in the Antarctic called the Wilkes Land Crater. This crater is 300 km wide, is located beneath the Antarctica ice sheet and is the result of a meteorite impact about 250- 500 million years ago (they are not sure).

Scientist think this crater “could be associated with the Permian-Triassic extinction event that occurred 250 million years ago, believed to be the largest extinction event since the origin of complex multicellular life.” The Permian-Triassic extinction event has also been called “The Great Dying” and is one of five of Earth’s most severe extinction events. It is estimated that most marine type dinosaurs (96%) and vertebrate/terrestrial organisms (70%) died during this event.

I will freely admit that I know absolutely nothing about dinosaurs except that they are all extinct… and that the famous T-Rex died out in the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, much later on. Yeah, the extinction of multicellur life…that scares the crap out of me……only because I know that if another meteorite impacts earth, that sharks and cockroaches will survive just like they have in the past….damn sharks…I hate them….

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Kimdianna Jones


Blogger Corinne Simpson said...

I remember in my motel room in Savannah there was a big ol cockroach on the toiler paper roll and he was never scared off by the light (like smarty-pants people tell you they will be) or by me (screw that "they're as scared of you as you are of them" theory) so I had to live with him running on his toilet roll hamster wheel of fun every time I was in there. In a way, you have to admire such tenacity of existence. Not even a giant asteroid of doom can quell those little dudes' thirst for life. Or, say, a Canadian girl spinning the toilet roll really fast with all the lights on.

11:25 p.m.  
Blogger Tymkehl said...

Spin Baby, Spin!

3:08 p.m.  

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