Dear Wolverine: A Wee Apology
In light of the last few days, I feel the need to apologize to you. I am now sorry that I besmirched your good name. I was wrong. Your super mutant healing power is nothing to laugh at, nor is your misleading name. I wish I had your mutant ability today.
Yours Truly
Kimdianna Jones and the Cross Walk Doom

PS: To the Ass who ran the red light in the white pick up truck…. Thanks to you I now have six stitches, two chipped teeth, a ripped up hand, a bruised knee and hip…and had a tetanus shot …I do not have warm feelings towards you, I hope you go bald and your truck rusts real bad ….
Man, you really pissed wolverine off now, he paid off someone to run you down... he's too scared to do it himself because you've seen through him.
I hope you are all better soon!
If you had Wolverine's healing factor, you would be all better now. But actually you look kinda kickass tough right now.
Someone RAN YOU DOWN at a crosswalk? Seriously? My god... want me to send hordes of Uruk-hai after the guy? I'm sure I could do that. Or at least round up a posse of really upset Hobbits. Or an Elf with a very itchy sword hand.
By the way, I don't think it was Wolverine. Cyclops is totally more the type to pull a hit and run, the ass.
Bad bad bad traffic...
Sad sad sad you got struck...
umm yeah. we are unimpressed. this is "plunge hand into chest after enemies heart" kinda unimpressed. possibly even "tear off enemies head and fart down gaping hole (once the blood flow slows down, of course)" kinda unimpressed.
I would ask that you excuse my violence, but I hasten to point out that they started it.
I've already dispatched my minions of snake warriors and skilled accountants. Rest assured, vengeance shall be yours this day.
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