Bamboo Fishbowl

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Flowers and Dirt

I work on an old historic building…it is very cool place, right on campus. There are lots of big, old trees, lush green lawns and on the steps of the main door are two planters full of flowers. I wait patiently though the winter for these two small planters to arrive. They symbolize summer to me and I make a point of stopping every morning on my way into work to admire them. Well, my beloved planters arrived last week full of bright yellow and orange begonias, and small purple pansies. Summer!!

Today on my way into work, one of the planters was knocked over and was tossed out across the sidewalk onto the front lawn.

Wow, did this every piss me off. You have no idea…
Insert string of profanity here…

So, I ran down to my lab, grabbed my work gloves and headed back out into the rain to save my flowers. This was no small task. There were flowers buried in dirt under the upturned planter and across the sidewalk. I could only scrap up so much dirt off the grass and concrete….

What kind of an idiot picks on a planter full of small flowers? Seriously, are there no mail boxes left to tip over? There is a newspaper box within eye sight… go pick on that you f***-wad and leave my summer alone….

Rant Over...Deep Breath...Calm...
Kimdianna Jones


Blogger Corinne Simpson said...

"I just wanted to do something different. I wanted to show that flowers are amazing."
"Are flowers amazing?"
Nic Cage to Ron Livingston "Adaptation"

9:01 p.m.  
Blogger Homie Bear said...

I think it was the same guy who ran you over!

8:52 p.m.  

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