National Hanging Out Day!!

Did you know that the average North American uses more energy to run just their clothing dryers then a single African uses for everything over the course of an entire year? Kind of sickening.
Tomorrow is National Hanging Out Day! Energy activists have decided Thursday, April 19 2007 is the day to air dry your clean laundry!
Tomorrow is National Hanging Out Day! Energy activists have decided Thursday, April 19 2007 is the day to air dry your clean laundry!
I love this idea! I personally can not hang my laundry on the 11th floor of an apartment building makes it impossible. I do however, use a clothing rack to dry over half of our cloths. This saves heaps of energy not to mention loonies! If we ever are able to buy a home, I will be hanging our cloths on a cloth line, that is if the community we end up in allows it. Yup that is right, in some of the newer communities, you are not allowed to do so...
*takes hands off keyboard for fear of typing a string of profanities*
Kimdianna Jones...saving the planet one blog at a time...