"Pluto Status Suffers Another Blow"

Horrifying! If you have read my blog before, you know that I am angered that "scientists" have downgraded Pluto's status from planet to largest dwarf planet. Now, these same "scientists' have decieded that Pluto is now longer the largest dwarf planet...oh the humitiation! Now this status has been revoked as well...Pluto is now just another rock...floating around, with no purpose...aimless, like me in high school...only I had mall hair...
Check it out: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6751975.stm
Kimdianna Jones
Poor Pluto. Honestly. It was around long before we were. Long before we figured out our own planet was even round. Long before space exploration was a mundane (and expensive) reality. What the hell does a planet have to do to earn a little respect around here? My god if one of Jupiter's moons bounced Earth off her orbit or one of Saturn's rings sliced us in half the solar system would have the last laugh! Pluto would be totally vindicated!
Of course we'd also all be dead... but from a planetary point of view we're like a particularly bad case of herpes so I doubt we'd be missed...
I'm just saying. I'm with you. And, um, Pluto.
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