Bamboo Fishbowl

Friday, February 02, 2007

Photo Friday!

Here is another striking photo from the BBC taken by Rachel Althouse. This is the Al Akhawayn University Mosque in Ifrane, Morocco taken in the evening, right before a storm. Very cool... Check out other inspirational photos at:

Kimdianna Jones


Blogger Corinne Simpson said...

I do love the things clouds do. The sky is endlessly entertaining. Lovely photo!

By the way, how's Blargy's mom? Good news? My thoughts are with you.

10:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom is OK, still having shortness of breath and some chest pains but it's not related to her heart. Next step...figure out what the hell is the matter! Thanks for asking!

11:18 a.m.  

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