Bamboo Fishbowl

Friday, November 24, 2006

You know it is cold when the penguins wear socks!

So, here in Canada Land it is currently -19c with a wind chill of -31c...WTF?

Question: Why are we having January temps in November?
Answer: El Nino

I CURSE YOU EL NINO!!!!! *shakes fist at sky*

I currently have a lot of layers on, I mean even thermal underwear. I kid you not; it is going to be a long, cold walk home. It is also get pretty cold in my lab during the winter! I usually do not turn on my space heater at work until January, but this morning I broke down and plugged my little darling in...ahhh, I love him...

All that is left to say is that Blarg and I picked the right year to go to Thailand!!!!

Kimdianna Jones
PS: Seriously, how uber cute is this penguin? I love him and his blue socks!!
PPS: It is one hour after I first posted and the winchill is now -32c...
PPSS: Another hour passes another degree is dropped, winchill -33c...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm... what happened to 'The Nino' effects giving us a warmer winter with lots of snow??

I see the snow, now let's get back to the warm!

4:07 p.m.  
Blogger Homie Bear said...

I like how you made it one word: winchill. It's what Winston Churchill's homies probably would have called him had he been a rapper rather than a British Prime Minister.
Winchill is ten degrees in the killerwhaletank.

1:53 p.m.  

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