Fun Fun For Me...
It has been over a week since I last posted. I threw my back out last Wednesday and it has been a long week of muscle spams and not being able to sit at all. I have never, ever been in that much pain…in my life...Tylenol 3 had to be involved, as well as Anti-inflammatories and Physical Therapy…fun fun for me…

Glad that is mostly over.
T-Minus four weeks and one day til Blarg and I leave for Thailand!!! We will be missing two weeks of “Quality Christmas Tree Time” so to make up for this we are putting the tree up early…two weeks early…that means tomorrow people! We will be cracking out Bing’s Christmas CD and the Peanuts Christmas CD…there will be spiked eggnog and cookies…tangled fairy lights…boxes everywhere...and lots of "lift with my knees not with my back"...Right, back to work people!
Kimdinna Jones
Yay, Christmas decorations!!
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, I missed your posts!
Back pain sucks! I can identify...if you haven't experienced it, you just can't imagine the pain, hey? But once you have, never again will I say "It can't hurt that bad".
Christmas!! So fun! We put up our outside Christmas lights today too! Wheeeeeee!!!
I love the picture! It looks like me and you decorating our tree!
Our tree went up this past Tuesday and Mrs. Hammer put up the rest of the decorations on Saturday. We're ready for Christmas!
Our tradition is to have the first Harry Potter movie playing on TV whilst we work at decorating.
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