That Is Seriously Gross Looking!

This is a picture of a rather unique type of rock found in Northern Ontario that is part of the “Gunflint Formation” called “Jasper Stromatolites”. This stromatolite rock formation is defined as "attached, lithified sedimentary growth structures, accretionary away from a point or limited surface of initiation." This is similar to stalagmites and stalactites that grow in caves; however these commonly grow above ground and “modern stromatolites are mostly found in hypersaline lakes and marine lagoons where extreme conditions exclude animal grazing.” The deep blood red colour of this formation means this rock is high in iron. The other photo is a polished Jasper pebble. Not so ugly afterall!

Check it out
Kimdianna Jones
PS: Homie Bear, WinChill is now
Stromatolites are cool but stromatoporoid is cooler. I think I wrote a story about stromatoporoids once, for a terrible writing contest.
Yeah, that's a pretty serious winchill.
Cooler to say, that was supposed to be. Because that was a pretty cool stromatolite.
ooo pretty rocks....
That made me want to vomit. The closeup anyway.
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