The Tymkehl Fishbowl
Life in the tymkehl fishbowl has been uber busy this past month…I am getting double the work load in my lab and do not have enough hours in the day to do it all. Who really wants to hear all boring details? No one I know.
El nino is still messing with the northern hemisphere. We are never really sure if spring has sprung, although the moisture is needed. Easter came and went; the long week end did not seem long enough. The only thing I have to say for myself is that Blarg and I, amongst our super busy grown up type stuff that has been going on, have found time for some much needed comic relief... we have watch five season of Scrubs in a mere 3 weeks. We are currently half way through season 6…we are quite proud of this fact...right Carol?
That is it for now! Sorry Homie Bear that I have not been on the ball and updating the Fishbowl, but I have some ideas floating around for future posts!

I leave you with a picture…a picture that feels like me at work…to many bananas, not enough monkeys, and people laughing and pointing at you…but really can there ever be enough monkeys?
Kimdianna Jones
But monkeys love bananas, it's a scientifically proven fact. I'd love to be the one lone monkey on a hill o' bananas. Hmmmm....lone monkey....
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