Cuteness Overload!

“A pair of Sumatran tiger cubs and a set of young orangutans, all abandoned at birth, have become inseparable after sharing a room at an Indonesian zoo. The four have lived side by side for a month without a hitch, although this goes against. "This is unusual and would never happen in the wild," zookeeper Sri Suwarni said. "Like human babies, they only want to play." But the friendship is not destined to last as tigers start eating meat when they are three months old and will need to be separated from their new playmates."
If you want to see a few more pictures of these cute little amimals, you can check it out:
Kimdianna Jones
omg! That is sooo cute! I love the pic of the orangutan helping bottle feed the tiger.
So cute! I love it! Maybe they won't have to be separated at 3 months, after all the orangutans aren't meat, they're friends!
If I was an orphan I'd totally want to be raised with tigers too! Like Jungle Book. Wait, no, the Shere Khan is the villain in Jungle Book. Like these baby orangutans only I'd be human. And the tigers wouldn't eat me either.
You know, I'm with Blarg. Yes, tigers eat meat but their natural prey is things they chase, things like deer (or sambal in India) and even wild dogs. Rarely if ever do tigers feed on monkeys and orangutans. They are capable of taking down even elephants but they don't. So if the zookeepers fed them regular prey maybe they wouldn't feel the instinctual need to hunt their buddies.
Not that I'm one to talk, but where's my semi-regular fix of what's interesting on wikipedia??
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