Bamboo Fishbowl

Friday, July 28, 2006


I have Selachophobia.

I am scared snottless of sharks.

I am working very hard to get over this...I have done hours of research, watched countless documentaries, and even visited small sharks at Big Al’s Tropical Aquarium store (oh sorry Blu, I meant Big Gal’s). Even the hammerhead shark/man/undead guy in the new Pirates movie freaked me out. I believe the more I know about sharks, the less I will fear them. As a result I know so much about these razor sharp toothed, blank staring solitary killing machines that I could write a book. Still this phobia persists. How irrational…I mean I live in a land locked province for bloody sakes, there are no sharks within a very large number of kilometres from here and since there is no such thing as a “Land Shark” I really just needed to get over it.

But I am not alone…..oh no my freinds….there are some famous selachophabians out there: Christina Ricci thinks sharks will find their way into her pool. Charlie Sheen bought a beach front house thinking he could get over his fear of sharks but it did not work and he moved inland.

Well, it is “Shark Week” on the Discovery Channel running July 30-August 4. Look It Up…if you can….I dare you:

Kimdianna Jones....

Friday, July 21, 2006

My Kind Of Club…

I saw a very cool hoodie a few days ago that I really thought was clever.

“Club Sandwiches Not Seals”

I want one. I want one but not because the hoodie was cute and would keep me warm but because of the message it conveys. I will not go into one of my usual rants about how humans can be so cruel to animals or my opposition to the Canadian seal hunt.... if you want to find information on this, check out the WSPA web page:

Kimdianna Jones

Thursday, July 20, 2006

We Miss Our Fish....

We are sad to report that Princess Hidey Anastasia the first died suddenly on Saturday afternoon…she will be greatly missed…here is a photo we took just days before....

Kimdianna Jones and Blarg

Monday, July 17, 2006


What a week end! Blarg and I had our good friend Mr. Walt Struth stay for the week end from Taipei! We ate too much, laugh constantly and had a blast! So Walt, I hope that you get a phone call from you shirt mate! Best of luck and Struth, G’Day, “roll your tongue” and Step Off!

But more importantly "WAAAALLLLLLLLLLTTTTT!” …it will never get old…right? We love you man…hugs and bum pinches…
Here is Mr. Struth prentending to be napping.

Kimdianna Jones and Blarg (of Blarg Industries, TM)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Oddness That Is Me....

Sometimes I am at work or home with my head propped up on my left hand....I will look down for some to look at my keyboard...and I think the freckle on my left wrist is a spot of melted chocolate....I try to lick it off...only to be very disappointed each time...that freckle is definitely not chocolate....and with all the years of should be farirly faded by now....

I am so not kidding.....

Kimdianna Jones