I have Selachophobia.
I am scared snottless of sharks.
I am working very hard to get over this...I have done hours of research, watched countless documentaries, and even visited small sharks at Big Al’s Tropical Aquarium store (oh sorry Blu, I meant Big Gal’s). Even the hammerhead shark/man/undead guy in the new Pirates movie freaked me out. I believe the more I know about sharks, the less I will fear them. As a result I know so much about these razor sharp toothed, blank staring solitary killing machines that I could write a book. Still this phobia persists. How irrational…I mean I live in a land locked province for bloody sakes, there are no sharks within a very large number of kilometres from here and since there is no such thing as a “Land Shark” I really just needed to get over it.
But I am not alone…..oh no my freinds….there are some famous selachophabians out there: Christina Ricci thinks sharks will find their way into her pool. Charlie Sheen bought a beach front house thinking he could get over his fear of sharks but it did not work and he moved inland.

Well, it is “Shark Week” on the Discovery Channel running July 30-August 4. Look It Up…if you can….I dare you:
Kimdianna Jones....