Bamboo Fishbowl

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Apologies...

Well, I admit it…I have neglected Bamboo Fishbowl since Blarg and I came back from out Christmas holiday in Thailand. My apologies to all 4.3 of my faithful readers. Blarg and I have been in some serious Thailand withdrawal and can not wait to go back! This is the view looking up from our beachfront loungers on the beach...I love palm trees!!

As promised, our trip photos are available online…

Check it out !

Kimdianna Jones


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures - thanks for posting the link!

11:02 a.m.  
Blogger Corinne Simpson said...

266 photos later I feel like I was freaking THERE! Hehehe. Wicked awesome photos. Well done on the escape from snow! Did you just want to stay? You should have become refugees...

Or, like, taken a detour to New Zealand...

I'm glad you're back to posting, though. I feel like without your posts I don't have regular contact with you! *hugs*

2:40 a.m.  

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