Bamboo Fishbowl

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Green Onion Cake Season Is Here!

Unless you are living under a rock, you know that the last two weeks of August in Edmonton means the International Fringe Theatre Festival! The 2006 Green Onion Cake/Fringe season is quickly approaching! This is your chance to see my very talented husband Blarg act with a southern drawl! He has landed the role of the hero in melodrama “He Ain’t Done Right By Nell”!

This play runs from August 19-27 at The Walterdale Playhouse:
August 19 (Saturday) 6:30 pm
August 20 (Sunday) 12:30 pm
August 22 (Tuesday) 1:00 pm
August 24 (Thursday) 9:00 pm
August 25 (Friday) 12:00 pm
August 27 (Sunday) 12:15 pm

Advance tickets go on sale August 10 and can be purchased in person at the Festival Box Office (10330-84 Avenue, west entrance) or by calling the Ticket Hotline at 409-1910.

If you are wondering where you can get those yummy green onion cakes year round, you can buy them in the frozen section of the T&T Market for about $4.

Kimdianna Jones


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Fringe! Come see my show!

12:31 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm totally coming to see the show. Not too sure when yet though, I'd better decide soon I guess.

2:35 p.m.  

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