Bamboo Fishbowl

Monday, September 11, 2006

September Celebrations Updated!

In my head cold stupor of last week I missed a few September Babies!
So a big Happy Birthday also goes out to
Lisa: Yes, my spies tell me everything…
Homie Bear! Love your blog...check it out!

I was checking out one of my favorite blog when I came across this video…Orlando Bloom makes fun of himself…I made me chuckle….Beenie, you should appreciate this….

Kimdianna Jones


Blogger Corinne Simpson said...

"I guess it's because you're famous."
*pause* "No... no, they've pretty much always done this."
"But they wouldn't make such a fuss if you were, like, a sound guy."
"With this face? No, it's always been like this."

*dies laughing*

The problem is, I have a hard time believing he's "acting" there. I mean, because he's a terrible actor so... you know... *smirk* I'm bad, I know. But after Legolas, what has he done that I can love?

6:07 p.m.  

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