Bamboo Fishbowl

Monday, August 21, 2006

He Ain't Done Right By Nell...

Here is your first look at one of the promotional shots for Blarg's play that is on now at the Edmonton International Fringe Play!! Blarg is on the left in the stylish red checked shirt!

There are four more shows left so GO SEE THIS PLAY!!!!

Here are the dates and times:
August 22 (Tuesday) 1:00 pm
August 24 (Thursday) 9:00 pm
August 25 (Friday) 12:00 pm
August 27 (Sunday) 12:15 pm

Advance tickets can be purchased in person at the Festival Box Office (10330-84 Avenue, west entrance) or by calling the Ticket Hotline at 409-1910. You can also buy tickets one hour before the show right in front of the Walterdale Playhouse (right next door to the Farmer's Market)

Kimdianna Jones


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The play was awesome, great job Blarg!

8:32 a.m.  

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