Bamboo Fishbowl

Monday, August 14, 2006

Today is Monday and I can prove it....

There is nothing like a beautiful summer day…and that day is today… is going to be 28 degrees and there is not a cloud in the sky. I decide that because it is going to be such a nice summer day, that I will wear my nice white t-shirt and my fancy black beaded skirt. It’s Monday and I’ll dress up and that will make Monday feel less crappy. I will even head upstairs and actually see the other humans that I work with/for…I will make a good impression today, you know, clean myself up a bit for a change. Yeah, that sounds great…

Or Does It?....

Nothing like going to the effort to look nice, maybe impress coworkers, only to then spill hot tea down your front …tea…on a white t-shirt…hot…not even lunch break yet….have not even made it upstairs…oh no, do I have to wear my grotty old work out t-shirt the rest of the day?

Or Do I?…

There is also nothing like having a washer and dryer only 10 feet away from your desk….and washing your clothes while you work…

Kimdianna Jones


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kimdianna... always the ingenious multitasker.

4:33 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Uhh...did you have another shirt with you?

12:45 p.m.  
Blogger Tymkehl said...

yes, i grotty old pit-stained work out t-shirt that is only fot for sweating in.....

1:38 p.m.  

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