Bamboo Fishbowl

Monday, August 28, 2006

Pluto Will Always Be A Planet To Me….

I have some issues to discuss with you astronomers…seriously…after all this time you decide now that Pluto is not a planet? I do realize that if you went with the old criteria to rate a planet that the total number of planets in our solar system would go up to 200 but come on….cutting Pluto out entirely? Downgrading Pluto to a Dwarf Planet?

Seriously as of August 24 2006 Pluto is no longer a full fledged planet thus reducing the number of planets in our solar system to eight. Well that is just not fair…how would you feel if you got downgraded from “Astronomer” to “35 year old geeky virgin who lives in his parents’ basement and spends his time alone in the woods at night with a telescope”? Huh? How does that feel? Wait...that is what an astronomer is! Take that!

Check it out!

Kimdianna Jones


Blogger Corinne Simpson said...

"35 year old geeky virgin who lives in his parents' basement..." for a minute there I thought you were describing Trekkies! But the telescope gave it away. Actually, probably all astronomers are, by default, Trekkies. I assume that's how they got started on the path to astronomy. Laying in the backyard at night with a telescope searching for the Enterprise. Or Vulcan.

The rest of us, the ones who have had sex and live on our own, will always consider Pluto a planet. Even when we secretly (or even openly) enjoy Star Trek. After sex. Or maybe prior to. In the comfort of our own homes. We'll smile smugly in the knowledge that Pluto is a planet and all astronomers are actually just giant nerds who have no revenge coming to them.

6:21 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will also remain loyal to Pluto!

12:46 p.m.  

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